Light • Seeing • Beholding • Illumination
Jessie Friedman, MA LPC CPCC
Parenting can be one of the most beautiful and rewarding activities of our life. Parenting can also be one of the most challenging and frustrating activities of our life. The good news is that with insight and skills, we can work through the frustrations, and we can transform the challenges into rich learning and meaningful communication. The deepened bonds between parent and co-parent and parent and child can provide vast comfort and fulfillment.
To raise emotionally intelligent children, we must be an emotionally intelligent parent! Parent counseling and coaching will help you to answer the following questions and build the skills that will bring the results you seek:
What do I truly want and need for my children?
What do I truly want and need from my children?
What do my children and co-parent truly long for and need from me?
Who are my children developmentally and uniquely?
How do I communicate with those needs and distinct qualities?
What do I truly want and need from a co-parent?
What are the values I yearn to instill, and what are the parenting values I long to live by?
How do I co-parent when our parenting approaches and styles seem to greatly differ?
As we work together, you will find solutions that bring great joy and harmony into your home and your family life. You will learn to live and parent from your deeply held values. You and a co-parent can create an alliance that brings clarity, agreement, consistency, and delight to parenting. With commitment, it is not hard!
In morning dew,